Skolemization - Artificial Intelligence Tutorial

Skolemization - Artificial Intelligence

Every first-order formula may be converted into Skolem normal form while not changing its satisfiability via a process called Skolemization (sometimes spelled Skolemnization). The resulting formula is not necessarily equivalent to the original one, but is equisatisfiable with it: it is satisfiable if and only if the original one is satisfiable
Reduction to Skolem normal form is a method for removing existential quantifiers from formal logic is the super standard normal form. Skolemization eliminates existential quantifiers by replacing each existentially quantified variable with a Skolem constant or Skolem function.

There are some  rules that are followed when we convert first order predict logic into into skolem standard form:-

  1. Convert FOPL into PNF(Prenex Normal Form),if it is not in PNF
  2. Convert PNF into CNF(Conjunctive normal form)
  3. Apply skolemization

Related Other Post

    • Remove all existential variable with new skolemization constant (A Skolem constant is a function of no variables.)) if there is no universal quantifier before related existential quantifier. Remove existential quantifier.
    • Remove all existential variable with new skolemization function if there are universal quantifier before related to existential another word an existential variable is replaced by a Skolem function of all the universal variables to its left. Remove existential quantifier.



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