Horn Clause - Artificial Intelligence Tuorial

Horn Clause - Artificial intelligence Tutorial


a clause is an expression formed from a finite collection of literals . That is, it is a finite disjunction or conjunction of literals, depending on the context. 


horn clause is a disjunction of literal in which at most one positive literal. 


~X1 V ~X2 V……..V~Xn V Y
Horn Clause-Artificial intelligence

 Example :- 

Every Horn clause can be written as an implication whose premise(base) is a conjunction of positive literals and whose conclusion is a single positive literal. E.g. lawyer(x) Þ rich(x) 

Any Horn clause therefore belongs to one of four categories:
  1. Horn clause with exactly one positive literal(1 positive literal, at least 1 negative literal) called definite implication often called A “rule”.  whose antecedent(left side) consists of a conjunction of positive literals and whose consequent(right side) consists of a single positive literal. Example:-  "~P1 V ~P2 V ... V ~Pk V Q". This is logically equivalent to "[P1^P2^ ... ^Pk] => Q"; Examples: "~parent(X,Y) V ~ancestor(Y,Z) V ancestor(X,Z)" (If X is a parent of Y and Y is an ancestor of Z then X is an ancestor of Z.)
  2. A definite clause with no negative literals simply asserts a given proposition called fact .in another words 1 positive literal, 0 negative literals called fact. Example: "ancestor(X,X)" (Everyone is an ancestor of themselves .
  3. A clause with zero positive literals called negated goal . in another words 0 positive literals, at least 1 negative literal. In virtually all implementations of Horn clause logic, the negated goal is the negation of the statement to be proved; the knowledge base consists entirely of facts and goals. The statement to be proven, therefore, called the goal, is therefore a single unit or the conjuction of units; an existentially quantified variable in the goal turns into a free variable in the negated goal. E.g. If the goal to be proven is "exists (X) male(X) ^ ancestor(elizabeth,X)" (show that there exists a male descendent of Elizabeth) the negated goal will be "~male(X) V ~ancestor(elizabeth,X)".

  4. The null clause: 0 positive and 0 negative literals. Appears only as the end of a resolution proof.
We can translate many well formed formula’s into horn clause such as

Horn Clause Example- Artificial Intelligence

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