Construct Binary Search Tree from Inorder and Postorder traversal | Construct Binary Search Tree
firstly we will understand the basics of Inorder, Preorder and Postorder, here i given a example- A+B (Inorder)
- AB+ (Post order)
- +AB (Preorder)
Golden Rule:-
- Preorder---- Root left Right
- Inorder ---- left Root Right
- Postorder--- left right Root
Inorder 2-3-4-5-6-8-10
Postorder 2,4,3,6,10,8,5
Step-1:- as we know postorder visits the root node at the end so the last value always represent the root node of the binary search tree.
therefore 5 is root node, and From above Inorder traversal, we know that a node’s left subtree is traversed before it followed by right subtree. Therefore all the values to the left of 5 in inorder belong to its left subtree and all values to the right belong to its right subtree.
Step-3:- Now for left subtree do the same as above. 3 becomes the root. And 2 will be left child and 4 will be right child.
if u have any doubts please let me know,