Class 9th Maths Formula sheet Coordinate Geometry

Class 9th Maths Formula sheet Coordinate Geometry

  • To locate a point in the plane We require two perpendicular axes one of them is horizontal and other is Vertical.The plane is called Cartesian plane and axis are called the coordinates axis
  • The horizontal axis is called x-axis and Vertical axis is called Y-axis.
  • Quadrants:-The axes divide the Cartesian plane in to four parts. These Four parts are called the quadrants
  • Origin:- The point of intersection of axis is called origin.
  • Abscissa:- The distance of a point from y axis is called x –coordinate or abscissa.
  • Ordinate:- the distance of the point from x –axis is called y – coordinate or Ordinate.
  • The coordinate of the origin is (0,0).
  • A point on the x –axis has zero distance from x-axis so coordinate of any
  • Point on the x-axis will be (x, 0).
  • A point on the y –axis has zero distance from y-axis so coordinate of any
  • Point on the y-axis will be (0, y).

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